Monday, November 23, 2009

EU- An Editorial With Pizazz or .........

The European Union elected new leaders raising the question what do they lead? I believe it is a plan for global domination and to bring on a steady diet of cheese and boiled food to the masses. How do you like your boiled meat? Soft or extra soft? Or maybe back to firm again?

They have their own currency and they are soon to unveil a flag that is just a picture of Michael Jackson holding a loaf of French bread, wearing a suit of armor. This will take the place of each of the independent countries’ colors. The state uniform will be hiking shorts and a neon soccer jersey.

Next, the pressure will be on Canada to adopt a techno-industrial national anthem and pass out glow sticks to school children. It will be easy to conquer our next generation, because they are raised on WII and Lady Ga-Ga. High-fives and the term “Bro” will be replaced with Sack-taps and the term “My nizzle”.

It turns out that Mountain Dew leads to diminishing test scores and a compulsive need to shave everything. I blame this all on Jane Fonda. Barbarella was our downfall. You just wouldn’t listen.

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