Monday, March 23, 2009

You wanna see my flying squirrel?

You want to see my flying squirrel? I was running yesterday and I was thinking about my flying squirrel problem. Here is a picture of what happens when you jog in South Texas in the heat.

I need more talc I guess.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Quarter life crisis!

Can you have a quarter life crisis? I am not quite at the pony-tail corvette time line, but I am increasingly concerned with the news, I talk about gardening and I spend my time online reading about running and the correct footwear. I remember when I used to be hairy, wear a patched covered jacket and drink beer at noon on a weekday. Now I wonder if I should switch the plant food I buy and if I should water the front or back yard tonight. When do things change and is their any point in fighting it?

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Just breaking out the swim suits for summer.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I want that?

What child wouldn't want to count the number of times they chew. 31, 32..Yay! 33 chews.

Because you just don't want to have to keep blowing.

Finally, make the cat useful by sweeping the floor.
I am glad my pumps are no longer getting wet.
Great, when you are wearing pants without pockets.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Laughing just to keep from crying.

I am being consumed and forgotten by a wave of unisex homogenized pattern?

I hate scarfs (scarves?). What is the plural form of scarf? Why would I wear that a retro tee? Am I hot or cold. Just my neck area down to my belly button. Why I am supposed to wear this suit coat and bolo-tie with a plain white Tee and rhinestone covered jeans? It is like Miami Vice, Kanye West and Twenty-One Jumpstreet have crapped in my eye-lids.

You are my nemisis. Fedora and sneakers, together? Makes vomit start to form in my mouth. Why would I want to re-visit the BK's with day-glow laces? I got rid of in the 3rd grade.

Skinny jeans make everyone look fat except crack-heads. If I needed some help to look more obese than I already am, I would wear bike-shorts and a half tee. There is no function left anymore.

Play on your I-phone and wonder if mediocrity is supposed to feel this good. Let's be hip and live in a loft. I can be defined by a thirty by thirty cell full of crap. Hipster-ism is a prison state popularized by your music television and a man with a pony-tail and and bedazzled jacket.

You could see me crying, but my bangs are in front of my eyes. I hate the "fashion". I would ignore it but they place the 700 page book of mind-control advertisements right in front of the check out register. That way I am thoroughly nauseated while I am trying to buy building supplies and basic nourishment.