Monday, October 5, 2009

Halloween Time

It is almost that time. For scary stories, oddly painted pumpkins and white girls.
Give the treat of budweiser and cigarettes to those little door to door wippersnappers.

Perhaps a Miller Lite and a Clarence Clemmens album. Nothing is scarier than a sax solo on a Bruce Springsteen track.
True story, a goblin (all hopped up on poptarts, junior mints and candy corn) came to the front porch asking for candy... Well actually just drooling with a zombie-like stare. Little turd kept coming at me and the bowl of goodies like "night of the living dead". He eventually rammed over the table, in a psychotic pursuit of skittles, spilling my bourbon and cola all over my Elvis jump suit. Wasted drink and no apology. This year I need concert barriers.

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