Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bloody Turder

Bloody Murder. I couldn't express in words how good this is. You will be so disappointed you will end up happy. Forty year old 20-something counselors. The best a community college drama program can dole out. A horrible story and a lack luster Jason Vorhees knock-off (Trevor Moorhouse).
Do you smoke?
No. I have I just don't do it regularly.
Do you wanna smoke?
No, I really shouldn't.
Well Let me know if you change your mind.
You wouldn't happen to have one of those Guam cigarettes on you?

Thank you for minutes of smoking dialogue. I haven't seen a better film since Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horror. It is a guilty pleasure. Actually I don't feel guilty. Give it a chance. Drink alot, but give it a chance.

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