Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rock-a- wha?

Rockabilly: Why?
I guess if it makes people mad, then you must be doing something right. It seems like a novelty to slick your hair back and cuff your jeans. I remember you had to cuff your pant legs because you had to get them too long so they would last through the growth spurts. I wasn't poor poor growing up, but everything I got was from K-mart and was put on lay-away. I once go parachute pants on lay-away. Finally got them home and I wore them to the roller disco. The zippers violently cut the shit out of me during a game of red light green light played while listening to the Fat Boys' "Wipeout". Ok, off track. Everybody in my family had a greasy head at one time or for entire life, my Grandpa. He kept it slicked back and tapered for over 90 years. My dad gave up slicking his hair back in the 70 and 80's when he eventually got a man perm. Sweet man perm. Then he had the ponytail and beard. Now it is back to combing it straight back. Although it gets poofy and huge. I call Hallelujah hair or "The Evangelist". I just like things this way. I like staining pillows and couches. I like barber shops. A hair stylist is for those who want a cut and color. Maybe a male brazillian. Man up and find a barber.

I had forgotten how much I actually liked some of these songs. Something about a crazy hillbilly screaming that makes me want to listen more. I have always had a soft spot for drunks and eccentrics. Johnny Burnette yelling like a lunatic during recordings. Everybody is expected to be prim and proper like Pat Boone and Johnny is shrieking in middle of the song.

You ever tried to play an acoustic instrument and make it seems rockin' and fuckin' raw. That is why everybody tried to pick those same instruments up in the 60's and all that you get is the Chad Mitchell Trio or The Mamas and the Papas. In the 70's you get James Taylor. Train kept a rolling, Rockabilly Boogie. I wonder what you'd be missing without these recordings. If Muddy Waters didn't exist you would never have gotten the Rolling Stones. If Chuck Berry wasn't around you wouldn't have that lame scene in Back to The Future of Micheal J Fox doing the duck walk.

I learned to ignore the Grease jokes through the years. I avoid penny loafers. Some of it is stereotypical. Mostly because they plaster Elvis on everything. Every genre has stereotypes. I really fuckin' hate Grease. Musicals are shitty enough, but that one tried to ruin sideburns like Hitler did with tiny moustaches. I like sideburns because they seem to really bug people. The bigger or pointier the more shit you end up getting.

Every song is about drinking, fighting, sex or cars. I take that back. I just listened to "Black Slacks". Why is the Jetsons car featured in the song. Derby hat, red bow tie, suspenders, chain down to your knees and page 14 black slacks. I am not sure where Joe Bennett is going with that song. I guess slacks are cool? When you try in vain to write a Blue Seude Shoes. Like country or blues it is for blue collar by blue collar. Just more up-beat. You listen to honky tonk all day you are just going to end up depressed and drinking. Waltzing the floor over you, Your cheating heart. Leadbelly singing In the Pines. Sometimes you need it a little motivation. I can't be dark all the time. I won't start in on sock hop and the fat guy in the car shirt that loves American Graffiti. If they are happy let 'em be. I do hate the 57 chevy print button-up.
I am influenced but do not consider myself in a scene. I don't do much to feel like I belong. Jr High is spent trying to belong. High School is spent trying to rebel. After 30 I just want to be whoever I want to be that day. Similar clothes and hairstyles happen you hang around people with the same interests and hobbies. Slicked hair, jeans, boots, band shirts and wallet chains. People you like to hang around with or think are interesting will influence you. And the stereotype is born. Similarities and imitation should be seen as flattery. Most still worry about being unique. Who cares. Just do what you want. I would do sock-hop if the mood struck me. Except for the fact I would look like a fat "Stray Cat" in pleated slacks and a pink bowling shirt.

May your hair stand high and stay put, even in the South Texas humidity.

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