Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lonestar and boobies

Titties, lonestar and brisket induced lethargy. I have over-consumed and I am not ashamed. My life as a booby connoisseur and a red meat eater has been going good. My next photo series will be ladies in pasties eating ribs. That is f‘n hot. Then pasties and 16 oz beer. Double sweet. Maybe a sixteen ounce beer wearing a tassel. Wait, too far. Farrah hair, booty shorts, nipple covers and a lonestar tall. You want to be lame and call me a sleaze, but you are also starting to think that I am on to something. And you want BBQ. I am a genius and the over indulgence has made me a little loopy. I need sleep. Mmm titties, bbq and beer.

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