They have their own currency and they are soon to unveil a flag that is just a picture of Michael Jackson holding a loaf of French bread, wearing a suit of armor. This will take the place of each of the independent countries’ colors. The state uniform will be hiking shorts and a neon soccer jersey.
Next, the pressure will be on Canada to adopt a techno-industrial national anthem and pass out glow sticks to school children. It will be easy to conquer our next generation, because they are raised on WII and Lady Ga-Ga. High-fives and the term “Bro” will be replaced with Sack-taps and the term “My nizzle”.
It turns out that Mountain Dew leads to diminishing test scores and a compulsive need to shave everything. I blame this all on Jane Fonda. Barbarella was our downfall. You just wouldn’t listen.
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