Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tired part 1

I am so tired. I don't sleep at night. I get this way. The nights make me anxious. Quiet, black and mind wandering. I can't wrap my tiny little brain around it. I am tormented by dreams of uncertainty. I can't make a decision. I can't get any motivation going, like pushing a car through a snow drift. Feet slipping and hands throbbing in prickly ice covered pain. Maybe I am not as medicated as the rest of the slack jaws. Not as dull.

Maybe it is the allergies. I am not sure what. I guess it is the dry unrelenting weather. All the dust floating on by. No water and baked earth makes for a clay oven. An oven that has no off knob. Turn it off.

Maybe mixed drinks and sleep can turn it off. I guess I can give it the ol' college try. make a go of it. Then I get disgusted. Why? All the Michael Jackson idolatry I can stand. No news but an asexual mess who took too many pills. God rest his soul. Why a golden casket? A few hundred thousand that could have been put to a better use. Nope. Let's waste the cash on a box that will get buried in the ground.

Do you think their are really aliens? Do they think we are a bunch of primitive fuck-wads hopped up on Prozac watching chubby people dance.

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