Saturday, July 18, 2009


Hitting the kart racin' circuit pretty hard today. Kartin', it's a lifestyle. You wouldn't know. You probably aren't invited. You can't become a Kartin' man. You are born with a need to race 50cc engines in tiny little frames. The thrill of the po po trying to catch you knocking back a tastey beverage in the parking lot. I didn't know their would be a problem with adults get sauced up at a children's amusement center. Management trying to stop me from rubbin' too hard. You can't stop a man with a need for speed. Although, he can apply the remote brakes and shut you down. You can't tame me. You can just stop my tiny car with your science.
Who will win? Who cares. Will Joe-nathan get the tarded kart yet again? My guess is yes. Til next time, Gone Kartin'!

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