I began with "Remember the Alamo Ale". A little sweet a little hoppy. Easy to drink. Not the best but from from the bottom.
As for DVDS I started with "The Wild Man of Navidad". Kim Henkel knows here creepy rural Texas. She wrote Texas Chainsaw Massacre after all. She produces this let down. Looks like it was filmed in Ingle-tucky. I think that I have seen the cast drinking beer at the gas station in Halletsville. The down side is that the Wild Man was just a guy with bad teeth. Made me want to start learning the "Shine" trade for some reason.
Next was "Death Valley" with Rider Strong and the guy from Dumb and Dumberer. I rented it because it said biker in the synopsis. Fucking liars. Biker is not a doucher on a dirt bike. Poor acting, awful story about the dangers of raving and ........ They kill everybody and get away. No twist, no special effects. Thanks a lot.
Back to mixed drinks and wings.
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