Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dancing Lady

It's always sunny

"Charlie open up. There is a dick-hole in the bar and I need you to fill it in."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Let's Go Bowling

Hitting the lanes this evening. Taking it easy.
Got my high wasted polyester slacks pressed and I am ready.

Afterwards, perhaps I can enjoy some Prince Albert in a can. Do you have Prince Albert in a can? Yes, then you better let him out.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009



I was listening to this today. Genius.

New Halloween Jams!

I found this on Amazon. Wow, just what I have been looking for. My favorite Jewish Halloween songs. Not even is it just Jewish it is awesome too. Hopefully I can find some Episcopal haunted house music or some Daoist spooky sound effects cd's.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A night of 3-D at the House of Leisure

It was 3-d night for the Buffalo of Leisure. We gave it a good shot anyway. The first round was an asylum of something movie. Left us a little rowdy. Watching kids air chop the screen. Round two.

We tried to watch 3-d night of the living dead, but it wasn't working. Maybe I was too tanked on Johnny Bootlegger. Oh well, beats Captain Eeo.

Take it easy man. Slow down

"Man what a body. Dig those crazy bumbers and that rear-end suspension! I am going to swing with it."
Check out the "Lively Ones". Awesome. Mel Henke from La Dolce Henke. If you can find it.

It is all about the way you dress

Van Heusen sport shirts will help you land some ladies.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fun bags

Connie Westcott


Monday, September 14, 2009

I feel awful

Taking care of the lawn has made me wide awake and run down. I need a change. I need more training, perhaps back to jogging.
What would I do if I was going to fight the King Hippo? I guess don a pink jumpsuit and exercise.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Bird season with class

Bird season is upon us. I need a tweed jacket with a shooting shoulder. An ascot to tidy things up. I am not a bloody savage hunting with a spear.


"Who the fuck cares? I'll dig the fuckin' hole. I don't give a fuck. What is it, the first hole I dug? Not the first time I dug a hole. I'll fuckin' dig a hole. Where are the shovels?" Tommy Devito
I love this movie. I wish you could find shark skin suits at the goodwill. I had a good one, but I got f'n monkey arms. Looked like Frankenstein.

Out of this...

I have come in peace for sexxy time. Now bring me your buxom dancing ladies and we will have a dance party.
My swankness is out of this world baby doll, so put on your go-go-go boots and get ready to go-go. Shake it for Daddy.


Currently relaxing to.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

El Super Beasto

An erotic, violent and vulgar Scobbie Doo. A must for pervs and people who refuse to grow up. It is like Ren and Stimpy, Scoobie Doo, Fritz the Cat and Hentai all roled into one. Plus it is a masked Wrestler.
I want a turtleneck sweater, a sports car and a mysterious Mexican Ciudad for a backdrop to fight evil and chase girls. Plus, I would locate Las Noches there.

Monday, September 7, 2009

What is another name for pirate treasure?

Enjoying a brisk walk in the park.
Hey, she is listening to Vince Guaraldi. Maybe it is the "Peanuts" theme.

Venom in denim



Unicorn News

I have seen far from masculine aryan tattoos before but this one has left me in shock. The rainbow mane is my favorite.
The steer-i-corn. If you touch the magical horn you will be granted a free slow cooked beef plate. Sides are extra.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Green Job Czar

The green job czar quit among alleged controversy. That is the covered story in the papers. The truth is that the rights are using Bat Boy to threaten the lefts to push a real "screw the middle" agenda. Bat Boy is also one of the AIG execs getting a bonus this year after their huge bailout.
He quits out of fear of being eaten. The whole time, the green job idea is a joke. The only true green job is making colored beer for Saint Patty's.

The bad news is the green beer is made with dye that comes from endangered seals' fat. No one likes seals, so keep up the good work. The is all hear-say, so it is not official and I would keep this between you, me and former pro baseball player Steve Garvey. He is the one that informed me.

Leisure be thy name

50-50 of cola and Canadian Club, house shoes and 5lb bag of wings caliente. That is my Sunday
It would be better with some rum and tiny umbrellas.

I began with "Remember the Alamo Ale". A little sweet a little hoppy. Easy to drink. Not the best but from from the bottom.

As for DVDS I started with "The Wild Man of Navidad". Kim Henkel knows here creepy rural Texas. She wrote Texas Chainsaw Massacre after all. She produces this let down. Looks like it was filmed in Ingle-tucky. I think that I have seen the cast drinking beer at the gas station in Halletsville. The down side is that the Wild Man was just a guy with bad teeth. Made me want to start learning the "Shine" trade for some reason.

Next was "Death Valley" with Rider Strong and the guy from Dumb and Dumberer. I rented it because it said biker in the synopsis. Fucking liars. Biker is not a doucher on a dirt bike. Poor acting, awful story about the dangers of raving and ........ They kill everybody and get away. No twist, no special effects. Thanks a lot.

Back to mixed drinks and wings.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Right to Pursue Happiness

Cars are a luxury. People could live and work near home if they needed too. People believe that luxuries have become a right. Having a car is not a right. You have the right to pursue happiness. To pursue, not provided through subsidized programs with no real goal. The lack of basic public transportation infrastructure is the real problem for those who cannot afford luxuries and need to venture out of urban sprawl to make a better living. Let spend cash for clunkers money on mass transit. That is a reasonable expectation in the 21 century. Poor running vehicles are not the problem. People who believe they need a vehicle and can’t afford the maintenance or the insurance are the problem. Take the bus or ride a bike. I have done it.

I don’t even want to get into how fat our underprivileged are. You can’t be fat and poor at the same time. Rice, beans and other bulk foods are cheap and available. McDonalds is cheap, but you need to have some sense of self control. Put down that happy meal. Start walking or riding a bike to work.

Our so called poor are the other issue. If you are broke and in need of food why do I still see big screens and WII in everybody’s hands at Best Buy or Wal-Mart. Our economy is based on how much junk is bought during Christmas. I watch people with public assistance cards purchase better food than I do at the market. We need to define poor and define stupid. Poverty is a horrible thing that we could all help with. It is easily identifiable. Stupidity is intolerable and is a result of a liberal school system that has no means of controlling the heathen spawn that people have created without thought. there is no discipline and no drive to better oneself. Complacency has ruined things. No one has real goals anymore. They are fine with things. Everything is awesome. Now pass the McNuggets.

In summation. You are not owed luxuries. Stop eating McDonalds. Stop humping. Read a book.

Purple rain?

So I turn on the TV, which is still on ESPN Classic from viewing AWA Wrestling, and American Gladiators is starting. I was really paying attention, just dreaming about waffles hhhhmmmm, waffles, when they began to introduce the contestants.
Did they just call him Purple? He must be in the Prince Mafia. Purple Roundy from Phoenix. If Screech hit the weight room. If that is a nickname, your friends hate you. If your parents gave you that as name, you were a mistake.

Friday, September 4, 2009



Lucha Libre is a prime example of the fact you don't need to speak spanish to find Univision entertaining. From Lucha Libre to inappropriate dressed models on kids programming. Mexican television is a non-stop roller coaster of fun
I watched Luchadors live during a Lucha-art exhibition. I can't say that shit is boring. I want a mask and silver boots, or a mask and a leisure suit and I will battle vampires.
You don't need to be hung up on physique. No sir, short and chunky is par for the course.

A mask, a sports car (probably a red fiero) and mystery. That is all you need. I know what I am watching all morning.

On the TV

Currently watching the Documentary "Hells Angels Forever". Fighting, drinking and riding sequences. Music provided by the Grateful Dead, Bo Diddley and Johnny Paycheck. I have learned that "The Man is out to get you", and "don't swallow bullshit".

Bachelor or not, still a nice read.


Rigid frame 650 rat..

Thursday, September 3, 2009


It is unacceptable to dress as James Iha from the Smashing Pumpkins and punch Janine Garafalo in the face with a WII controller. Don't do it. I dunno why I think he is Japanese. Is it bright in the room?

Death Proof soundtrack

I love the Jack Nitzche track the last race. Mainly credited with scores and production. He reminds me of Ennio Morricone, the next track. As good as the Danger Diabolik score. The Ennio track "Paranoia Prima"is on par with Morricone scores. Like a garage rock orchestral number. Something about buzzy guitar and strings that just sound good.

The rest is a mix of over produced doo-wop, R&B and garage. I am still not a fan of T. Rex and Mark Bolan.

Willy Deville is classified as the greatest rock song writer you have never heard. He worked with Jack Nitzche a couple times. That is like a Rock and Roll Kevin Bacon six degrees moment. It sounds like 80's Zed Zed Top. I would need to hear more before hailing him as great.

I will continue to keep lettin' it play.

Hey ladies!

Clyda Rosen