Friday, January 30, 2009

The Tejano is a little low!

I couldn't get our 2002 maroon Ford Ranger started today. It just wouldn't turn over. Then I realized that it was low on tejano. Sure enough. I turned up the stereo, and the truck turned over. I wish they put a gauge to tell how much tejano is left. That is just a tip from one South Texas car guy to another.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Calexico equals Genius


If you have listened to them and do not understand the complexity, intellegence and lack of suck applied to the spaghetti western-jazz-mariachi-folk that they produce.......You may be lacking a soul. You surely do not appreciate enchiladas verde and I do not want to know you.

You also have probably not seen the "Man with No Name" trilogy. Shame on you.

We all love

I can't help myself. I love mexican ladies and enchiladas. That is why I am getting fat and haggard.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I am trying fasting. Like most men I have an addiction to men's health e-mails and articles about a better "new" you. Women fall for it to thanks to Oprah's Wizard of Oz. I have successfuly made it 24 hours and I am shooting for 3o. I have only drank water since yesterday. I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kip Winger and Family

What do you get when you mix Mr. Big and Vixen?
I like a family that sticks together and shares the same likes and dislikes. Like hair spray, crimping irons and pirate shirts.

What do you do when you are finished giving yourself a perm and you have extra. Let the whole family in on the fun. I guess they all wanted to look like Beast from The Beauty and The Beast TV series. The nice things about that look is that he can share eye liner with his wife. The 80's. No one got away without a few bad memories.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

To the victor goes the slack

To understand is to lie. True understanding comes from the ability to realize "misunderstanding" and the futility in achieving the fore mentioned "understanding". To strive is to fail. Stop and smell the flowers of slack.

To know the system is to admit you cannot change the system. So stop trying. Be slack, eat slack and love slack. Drink the kool-aid of mediocrity and enjoy the rewards of a well reaped life. Determination is for train engines and the ones who toil. Free your mind and your recliner foot-rest will follow.

Tokyo Gore

Tokyo Gore Police is the creepy cousin of bizarre films. I dig it.

Any movie that has a fight scene between a girl and a school-girl outfit and a gimp with samuarai swords for appendages is a must watch. Just when you think it has gotten weird they go a little further. Engrish dub so no readin' required. Japan is rad.

Just listening

Dang, that's a good album.

The Rats are my fav's. Rat's Revenge Part one and Part Two. Those are some nuts, to write a sequel to a song before it is a hit.

Can a motorcycle make you cooler?

The answer....

Yes. It can.

I jacked the photo from another blog, but it was too good to be true. That guy is boss.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Macho Man....

So I have been hitting the gym this week. Working on my quads. A little bit on my lats. I have been showing my pecs absolutely no mercy. Don't be hating on my massive guns y'all. It cost me though.

The gym membership and then having to shop for a leopard print one-sy and wrestling boots. Totally worth it for the burn, dude. I am still not part of the gym clique yet. They all give eachother daps after really pushing it to the max. I have yet to get daps. What is up with no repeck knuckles, bro-ham?

Until next time, I will keep on breaking the bonds mediocrity!

Monday, January 5, 2009

It is always illegal.......

Are they selling postage metering stations or is it telling someone not to listen to the voices in the their head? Either way they may want to go with a new ad campaign. Seems like a question one should know how to answer.

How do you follow that up? The next ad campaign of "Should you beat a puppy with a hammer?" might be going to far. Remember kids, when doing bulk mailing "It is always illegal to kill a woman"?